Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Post 3. About design in general...

Design... it is used to improve the world, to make things simpler. For example new technologies are considered design and they are created to make things happen smoothly. A designer can be considered as a story teller. Designs are stories and the story telling capacity of a designer is the key feature.

Design world is changing nowdays. Design is becoming a commodity, so it is everywhere. Every object in the world is designed by someone. This makes design a thing that belongs to everyone. As before design was considered only as something luxurious, now it is becoming more and more part of normal people's life. Also the design world is changing in terms of its size. It is expanding from North America, Western Europe and Japan to South America, China, India, Southeast Asia and Korea etc. It is also becoming a common thing for people all around the world.

As design is becoming a commodity, it can be described like mass production of specialized products. So, one example of this could be IKEA, since it is designing all of its products and they are ment to be sold for ordinary people. The first thing considered when designing an IKEA product is usually the price and the easiness logistics. Of course the appearance of the product is important as well, but IKEA is strongly realting to these two factors, told here before. We have come far from the perception of design, which meant only luxurious and something that costs a lot.

When creating something totally new, the purpose of design is to arise a new need in a person. Good example of that is Sony Walkman. Before creating this product, people didn't really think, they would need to carry music with them when moving. However, after launching the product, there was no question about if it would be a success or not. Now people needed to get the music with them everywhere they went.

Design doesn't happen over-night. It needs lots of time and a concept like a "child-wonder" is not very common when talking about design. From the idea till the actual launching of a product, the time line can be tens of years. However, we have a exception here as well, if we consider music as design. Especially these days, when popular music changes so quickly, the time line has to be short, in order for it be succesfull.

The last question about design considered here is, if it is about passion or about money. Naturally, nothing is possible without finance. However, it is not possible to design anything really succesfull without the passion to do it. Basically, both are needed and the balance between design (idealism) and finance has to there. It is very fragile, but there is no way one could survive without another.

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