Hi everyone!
As for the last two times I was writing about a classic finnish design company, Marimekko, which has been operating already for decades, I will continue with a new-comer to the same field of business. I want to introduce to you a young, promising finnish designer, Paola Suhonen, and her own, original clothing collection IVANAhelsinki.
So who is this young promise and what does she do? Paola Suhonen is 31 year-old finnish designer and entrepreneur. She is one of the founders of the label IVANAhelsinki and her education background is bachelor of Arts. She has gone a long way to where she is now. Just few examples of that are vocational school and polytechnic in Helsinki, studying designing of clothes in a University, finnish national championship in snowboarding, designing for Italian company Fiorucci as well as for IVANAhelsinki and Nanso (a finnish home textile company).
IVANAhelsinki is expanding all the time to different couuntries throughout the world and last year they had their first fashion show on the fashion week of Milan. No one could claim, this young designer would not be on her way to the top.
So in year 1998, Paola founded IVANAhelsinki together with her sister. This finnish art brand represents a completely new northern style called "Fennofolk". On their website Fennofolk is described like this: "It brings together Slavic melancholity and pure Scandinavian moods with white arctic summer nights and endless winter sadness." For me this describtion is exactly what being finnish and being scandinavian represents.
IVANAhelsinki-name comes from two things. Firstably Paola's second name is Ivana. Secondably she is born and grown in Helsinki. Simple. IVANAhelsinki.
Paola Suhonen is the main designer of this art brand's fashion pieces starting from her dark naive mind-landscapes, northern legends and sagas, doing prints, graphics, short-movies and everything that is involved with the visuals.
IVANAhelsinki is run together by Paola and her older sister Pirjo. Every single IVANAhelsinki piece is ateljee manufactured in Finland. The whole manufacturing system is based on ethical and ecological choices. There are also a lot of hand-made details and traditional Finnish handcraft is featured.
This is what Paola Suhonen has said about their art brand:
"IVANAhelsinki started as my personal art-project, now it is a way of living to us. Hell yeah it's a clichee but that's how it is. I'd rather just travel around and go to my road trips, b

ut it's pretty much ok to do cute, straight cotton and woolen dresses for drummer girls and girl women. They are the ones who love moonlight fields, pirates, dark forests, crummy motels, champagne state of drunkness, fragile butterflies, unstable relationships and guardian angels. After all, I'm sure they are just after love of their lives, just waiting to see, will he be a rock start, a motor biker, a gnome, a cosmonaut or a sailor."
And now I am positive, you are desperate to see what kind of clothes and textiles IVANAhelsinki designs. I will continue in my next post introducing to you some of their textiles more closely. Here for those, who cannot wait to see how they are, a link for IVANAhelsinki's website. Remember to turn the music on to get you into the right mood...